الجمعة، 29 مايو 2020

Trump issues an executive decree lifting legal immunity from social media platforms

Trump issues an executive decree lifting legal immunity from social media platforms

Trump issues an executive decree lifting legal immunity from social media platforms

Trump issues an executive decree lifting legal immunity from social media platforms
Finally, US President Donald Trump issued after a lot of suspense and anticipation the executive presidential decree on social media platforms, after his threats to close these platforms, due to his dispute with Twitter because of his controversial tweets about the method of voting in the elections.

On Thursday, US President Donald Trump signed at the White House an executive presidential decree aimed at limiting the protection enjoyed by social media platforms regarding content and publishing, and it seems that it matters in particular Twitter against the background of the recent conflict between the two sides and Donald justified Trump's recent decision that social media does not adhere to the impartiality imposed in such a situation and that it has become involved in what he called political activities, and the new decree is likely to cause a number of legal problems and restrictions on these platforms.

It is noteworthy that the recent tension between Trump and Twitter began against the background of the controversial tweet regarding US President Donald Trump's denunciation of California state authorities' intention to allow state voters to vote by mail, as Donald Trump said in his tweet that this would be a precursor to fraud and fraud in the presidential election America, which prompted Twitter to use the Fact-checking feature that was listed under Trump's tweets, which angered the American president, prompting him to accuse Twitter of stifling freedom of expression in the country.

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